Paul Hulsebosch wants to think about the ecological world that has fallen into crisis. And start thinking again in terms of a collective good and cooperation, where earth is the one priority. Through the lens of his imagination he gives shape to new innovations to further develop and question the world around us. By using new technologies and collaborate with nature to develop a coherence.
Commissioned by Ambachtlab of the Kenniscentrum Immaterieel Erfgoed Nederland (Dutch Centre of Intangible Cultural Heritage) the designers…
During the end of summer of 2021 in the small village of Unnerud, Denmark I was challenged to preserve old crafts and create with nature. The residency was organised by Oasis and Lagoon…
The Product Design Finals 2021 were exhibited in the prestigious Gerrit Rietveld building of the ArtEZ academy. The exhibition titled ‘Catalyst_IncitingIncidents’ bridged the gaps between non-human and humans and showcased a wide variety of products that catalysed an interplay…
What can you do with a fabric technique that has existed for over 300 years? In the Kyoto Design Lab Summer School, I was presented with a challenge to see how the Kyotango’ fabric Chirimen, a traditional woven silk, could be made relevant in today’s world. The once thriving fabric industry in Kyotango, Japan…